Welcome to TDSAI Lab!

The Trustworthy Data Science and AI (TDSAI) Lab, also known as Cao Lab, at Tokyo Tech, was established by Dr. Yang Cao. We pioneer advancements in trustworthy data science and AI, concentrating on privacy, security, reliability, fairness, and transparency. Our mission is to develop groundbreaking theories, algorithms, and systems that promote ethical and dependable AI, contributing to the welfare of society and the future of humanity.

Our current primary focus is on devising and implementing privacy-enhancing technologies to tackle trust issues in data management, machine learning, and security. Technologically, we are exploring Differential Privacy, Federated Learning, Trustworthy Foundation Models, AI Security, Data Marketplaces, and more.

News & Events

September 11, 2024

We are organizing a domestic workshop (in Japanese) on LLM+DB on September 11. Welcome to attend!

August 24, 2024

Two papers was accepted in ACM CCS 2024. Congrats to Ruixuan, Yihao and all collaborators!

August 19, 2024

We are organizing Tokyo Workshop on Trustworthy Foundation Models on Agust 19! Welcome to attend!

August 2, 2024

Dr.Lingjuan Lyu @Sony AI gave an intriguing talk titled “A Pathway Towards Responsible Generative AI”.

July 29, 2024

Prof. Yuzhe Tang @Syracuse University gave an intriguing talk titled “Understand Blockchains’ Economic Security from Systems- and Data- Security Perspectives”.

July 11, 2024

Professor Song Wei and Professor Peng Zhiyong (Wuhan U) visited our lab and delivered an invited talk.

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